Being on Tik Tok provides numerous opportunities to use Tevi for generating income straight from your viewer base. Below are some valuable ideas and practical hints you need to get going.
Share on Tik Tok Bio
Ensure that your Tevi Space can be directly accessed from your Tik Tok Bio or include it on your directory site.
🔸Remember: On Tik Tok, if your follower count reaches over 1000, your bio links are enabled to be clickable.
Share on Tik Tok Page or video description
Inform your viewers about your Tevi Space and emphasize the significance of their support:
- Give your viewers a heads up about exclusive early access to your content.
- Offer sneak peeks into your exclusive posts.
- Share your donation or crowdfunding goal to encourage more fans to support you.
- For highlighting, insert a link to your Tevi Space in your video description as a way to guide your viewers there.
Share on Tik Tok Live
- Encourage your viewers to voice their opinion about your Tevi Space.
- Ask your viewers to suggest what types of content they'd like to see on your Tevi Space.
Pin to the top of your profile
- Consider pinning a promotional video on your profile to easily guide the viewers to your Tevi Space.
- Walk your followers to your Tevi Space and highlight the advantages of your membership tiers. Feel free to change the pinned post as often as you want!
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