Android Mobile Application

Android Mobile Application

2024 May 10 - Version 3.7.1 (169):

New features and improvements:
1. Block an accounts: Spaces can now block an account that has not followed them yet by accessing the unwanted profile, tapping More option icon (...) in the right of the cover, tapping "Block"
2. Show verified badge if Spaces are confirmed as authentic when they comment/donate in Live
3. Quote posts: allow users to share someone else’s post in public (free) only.

Fix bugs:
Fix bugs in old versions related to reporting in live and quote features.

2024 May 2 - Version 3.7.0 (168)

New features and improvements:
1. Lock Event: convert livestream from free into paid type after “Go-live” already
  1. How to lock: in live player, tab “Tool” -> in Room Management, tab “Lock Event” with a price 
      - Available viewers must pay to continue watching, new access will need to purchase a ticket;
      - Only lock once per live, no option to unlock a “locked” event.
2. Quote posts: allow users to share someone else’s post (or their own one) and add their own context or perspective to it.
  1. How to quote: Tab the Quote button -> Add your own comment -> Tab “Post”.
  2.  The Post will then be shared with your followers.
3. Membership Checkout with Star: buy a Space Membership perk with Star right in App, which is to improve the checkout experience.
4. Follow Space: auto follow a Space after 5s accessing Space’s post or live.
5. Turn off auto follow:  stop your account from auto-following other Spaces
  1. How: tab the Account Menu icon (☰) -> Settings -> Preferences -> then turn the “Auto follow” toggle off. 
  2. You can toggle this back on at any time. By default, the toggle is On.
6. Direct Message link:  share a link to invite others to your Direct Message
  1. How to get the link : tab Messages -> Message Settings -> Link to your chat
7. Report a live: report right in broadcasting live
  1. If you see someone's live broadcast and think it goes against Tevi’s Community Guidelines, you can report it.
  2. How to report: tab the host’s avatar -> tab the report icon

2024 April 11 - Version 3.6.1 (165)

New features and improvements:

1. New way to join MCN:
  1. In Business page, after inviting creators to join the organization, MCN owner could copy the invitation link and share it with creators.
  2. Creators access the link to review and accept the invitation without the need to open their Inbox.
2. New cozy games:
Adding some new cozy games to Space's Extensions and Tevi Vip tab.

2024 April 10 - Version 3.6.0 (164):

New features and improvements:
1.  Scroll up to watch next video: scroll up to watch another video in Home and Space detail
2.  New policy on video uploading
  1. Duration: Up to 90 seconds (longer videos up to 10 minutes only for verified Spaces)
  2. Recommended format: .mp4/.mov/.webm
  3. Supported resolution: max 1920*1080.
  4. Recommended ratio: 9:16; 16:9
3.  Sign up with Telegram: enable sign up new Tevi account with Telegram
4.  Translate post and thread: to translate a post or comment written in another language, tap "See translation" below the post or comment
5.  Choose who can reply to your post and whether replies with a link are allowed: start a new post, creators can choose who will be able to reply to it (Followers or Paid viewers) by tapping Settings. Also, there is a default setting of not allow replies with links
6.  Following tab: enable sort following Spaces by Last activity time (create post, go live) or Last follow time. Enable pin to the top, mute/unmute, unfollow a Space by swiping left (no need to access Space);
7.   Integrate a new game into Tevi and show it in Extension and Tevi Vip tab: creators could add the new game to their Space by installing and activating it in Creator tools, Extension
8.   Filter post: followers of a Space could filter to narrow down list of Space's posts based on Media type or post type
9.   Direct Message (Chat): enable search for a Space name to continue the conversation and copy text/link messages
10. Reminder to turn on notification: show note to remind users to turn on notification to avoid missing updates, chat from their following Spaces.
11. Suspended Notification: accessing a banned Space, users will find a notification that the Space has been suspended by Tevi instead of previous Not-found alert

Fix bugs:
       Fix bugs: duplicated audio (sound) in video posts and other minor bugs in old versions.

2024 March 22- Version 3.5.1 (162):

New features and Improvements:
  1. Home, Collapse posts: group posts when a Space uploads contents in bulk (more than 3 posts within 5 minutes);
  2. Space detail: accessing a Space, followers will no longer see the Live tab. On-going/scheduled livestreams will be shown under "Posts" tab;
  3. Notification: send notification when a Space is labeled as NSFW for sharing sensitive content;
  4. Game Wheel of Fortune: add note to viewers that Tevi is not liable for agreements made between the host and game players;
  5. Home: warn users of sensitive content when posts might disturb them;
  6. Show alerts: Replies with links are not supported.
Fix bugs:
  1. Payout Methods: wrong transaction fee;
  2. Fix minor bugs in old versions.

2024 March 1 - Version 3.4.1 (165):

New features and Improvements:
  1. Language: Adding Filipino (the Philippines)
  2. Live comment: show Tevi's guideline that creators must be 18 or older to go live. Viewers must be 18 or older to recharge and send gifts
  3. Adding USDT/VAI wallet payout method: Check if account address is valid before adding
Fix bugs:
  1. Min donation amount is default 10 USD although host customized min donation already
  2. Event billing: show wrong remaining time to get revenue
  3. Bug related to editing a post

2024 February 23 - Version 3.4.0 (158)

New features and Improvements:
  1. Space detail: Direct followers to web mobile to disable sensitive content filtering
  2. Payout Method: show fee, transaction time of each payout method so that user could choose a suitable one
  3. My Wallet, Payout tracking list: show net amount instead of gross amount
  4. About: show sensitive badge for Spaces sharing such content
Fix bugs:
  1. Exclusive content: Content will be available in public when creators click pin post

2024 February 16 - Version 3.3.0 (157):

  1. Tevi VIP: With a VIP ticket, user could tap "Free Membership!" to become a Member of Space and enjoy all Members-only content;
  2. Language: Adding 3 languages Bahasa (Indonesia, Malay), Chinese (China), Thai (Thailand);
  3. Income: Creators could choose to show/hide their income in Edit Space, My income+;
  4. Sensitive content filtering: users have to disable filtering to follow/buy Membership/chat/donate to a Space sharing sensitive content.

2024 January 31 - Version 3.2.0 (156):

Fix bugs:
  1. Fix an issue of Direct message (Chat) when users switch accounts.

2024 January 27 - Version 3.2.0 (154):

New features and Improvements:
  1. Direct Message (Chat): Migrate to a new system. There are changes related to techniques only, no changes related to function, logic. Side effect: Conversation history using the old system will be deleted.
  2. Setting Notification: Select types of notifications users want to receive (for example: receive notification on new Members, new live event,... only) in Account Menu (☰),  Settings, Notifications
  3. Inbox, Filter Notification: Select types of notifications users want to read in their Inbox
  4. Schedule live: Schedule a live event for later by tapping the "Go live" (Camera icon), then Schedule live (Calendar icon)
  5. Membership Checkout: Save card details for future use
  6. Follow Space: auto follow a Space after 5s accessing Space detail
  7. Translate Lucky money game to English

2024 January 2 - Version 3.2.0:

  1. My Space/tab About: Show MCN Rate and Creator Rate for Space under MCN and allow creators to leave MCN as they wish.
  2. Sign in/sign up: allow sign in/sign up with X (Twitter)
  3. Donation: allow creators to set price in USD only
Fix bugs:
  1. Video post: seek bar (progress bar) stuck at the starting point, not moving when swiping across
  2. Tevi VIP banner: not update banner when Tevi VIP Package is expired

2023 December 21 - Version 3.1.0:

  1. Overview Payperpost: give creators an overview of revenue and who buys their exclusive posts in Creator Tool -> Payperpost
  2. Exclusive posts: prevent users from screenshotting or recording post
  3. Exclusive post: show text, hide image/video instead of hiding all to encourage viewers to buy the post
  4. Preview post: creator could preview their posts 
  5. Save the price of the post so that creators can quickly create posts when switching between free and exclusive type
  6. Activity feed: creators could see a list of times and who become Space Members, donate to Space  
  7. Payout Request: add method VAI Wallet
Fix bugs:
  1. Oppo device only: (sometimes) unable to watch videos

2023 December 19 - Version 3.0.9 (147):

  1. Update Vietnamese
Fix bugs
  1. Fix some issues

2023 December 6 - Version 3.0.9 (146):

  1. All-Access Membership Ticket: show list of all verified Spaces for users 
  2. Direct chat message: enable creators to set only Members to start a conversation
  3. Uploading photos: optimize code

2023 November 29 - Version 3.0.9 (141):

New features:
  1. All-access Membership Ticket: All-Access Membership Ticket is a pass that allows you to access all of the Membership Tier of Verified Spaces that have joined our program.
  2. Show tab My Following to list all Spaces that the user has followed
  3. Enable post's creators to see a list of Spaces that  react to the post
  4. Re-add Vietnamese

2023 November 11 - Version 3.0.9:

  1. Add new Required fields for Bank Transfer method in the US market to strengthen security
  2. Add new design of event's detail billing
  3. Space detail: hide it if the number of Member/Followers/Posts/Income equals 0

2023 November 4 - Version 3.0.8:

  1. Update Membership feature: enable followers to pay Membership in Star
  2. New feature: Pay per post, followers could pay a locked post without becoming a Member
  3. New UI of Space Detail: publish the number of Members/posts and Income
  4. New video player
  5. Handle auto unfollow a Space when reporting a post
Fix bugs
  1. Not show verified tick when verified Space comments

2023 October 23 - Version 3.0.7:

  1. Open package 10,000 Star
  2. Update daily star limit from 10,000 Star to 20,000 Star
  3. Add recording and replay feature
  4. Auto-detect mobile network to off auto-play videos
  5. Updated live section UI in Home
  6. Enable access to Space Detail from the Event detail page
Product optimization:
  1. Fix bugs in old versions related to live event type: Subscribers-only, Members...

2023 October 13 - Version 3.0.6:

Big updates:
  1. Handled Donation: fan can donate Star to support Space
  2. Updated showing live in Following and Search 
  3. Handled feature rating app
  4. Save the last setting of Post
Product optimization:
  1. Fix issue: Auto-off system notification after just downloading the app

2023 October 4 - Version 3.0.5:

  1. Update NSFW: Users will be alerted about sensitive content

2023 September 29 - Version 3.0.3:

Product optimization:
  1. Optimize Feed 
  2. Update Post: allow to post Video 
  3. Update Notification Page 
  4. Update Search Page: Search via suggestion keys 
  5. Handle event type: Member. Only allow those buying Membership already to join live
  6. Fix some issues

2023 September 18 - Version 3.0.1:

Big updates:
  1. Channel will be referred to as “Space”
  2. New interface in the Space page and About page
  3. Merge Creator mode and Viewer mode 
  4. Can find creators by entering name, slug, category or with available suggested keyword
  5. Can post text and photos through Posts feature and discuss with other users
  6. New Membership tiers: customize benefits and payment by card
  7. Change currency: TEVI -> USD
  8. Show verified badge for Space that has been confirmed as an authentic profile

Product optimization:

  1. Move the follower list to Creator tools

2023 August 28 - Version 2.11.0:

  1. Let users copy the payout request at the payout detail page.
  2. Only allow users to change their channel slug onetime for every 30 days. 
  3. Daily payout limited for payout request. 
  4. Require users to update their missing billing contact after submitting a payout request.
  5. Update status for payout request.
  6. Change wording for the notification feature.
  7. Set 1:1 ratio for account and channel avatar.
  8. Off-stage a participant when that participant turns off their live stream.
Fix bugs from other versions:
  1. Could not do quick action when a creator use the horizontal layout.
  2. Star transfer icon at the Star wallet.
  3. Other minor bugs.

2023 August 9 - Version 2.10.0:

New features:
  1. Added PK Game to the Idol kit extension.
  2. Added a Share button for each extension.
Product Optimization:
  1. Show the agency name in the channel detail if the channel is under an agency.
  2. Improved the experience of the Subscription Dashboard.
  3. Remove the New Subscribers page and redirect the notification to the All Active Subscribers page.
  4. Improved the notification of the Messaging extension.
Fix bugs from other versions:
  1. Remove unncessary alerts.
  2. Other minor bugs.

2023 July 25 - Version 2.9.0:

  1. Launched the Messaging extension, which enables direct conversations between creators and their viewers.
  2. Revised the organization of the Setting page.

2023 July 13 - Version 2.8.2:

  1. Allowed creators to set up the Wheel of Fortune game to be free or unlimited spinning time.
  2. Fix minor bugs from other versions.

2023 July 11 - Version 2.8.1:

  1. Improved the payout process by updating and adding the payout tracking, the follow up notifications, the payout request, and the payout method. 
  2. Added more notifications related to subscriptions.

2023 July 6 - Version 2.8.0:

New updates:
  1. Allowed creators to create event with access fee even though they already switched to the subscription model.
  2. Released the Subscramble campaign to encourage the subscription model for creators.
  3. Created channel automatically when a user went live for the first time.
  4. Optimized the adding and viewing social links on the channel detail page.
  5. Changed name of the Shop page and moved it to the profile page.
  6. Revised the menu for both Viewer mode and Creator mode.
  7. Moved the QR code to the Creator mode.
Fix bugs from other versions:
  1. The host could not delete a social media link.
  2. The loading took so long to add a social media link.

2023 June 23 - Version 2.7.0:

  1. Allowed creators to activate subscriptions plan on their channel so that their viewers can subscribe using Tevi Star.
  2. Added video avatars for special channels. 
  3. Fixed the bug that did not show the edited information of a scheduled live stream.

2023 June 14 - Version 2.6.0: 

  1. Fixed the record screen and screenshot bugs.
  2. Improved the experience for the Wheel of Fortune game and the comment scroll.

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